Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Term 2 Online Work Packages

·  For students working from home, your Work Packages for Term 2 are now available on the School Website https://www.wattlegroveps.wa.edu.au/  using the school website user name and passwords issued by email or at the Department of Education’s Connect website https://connect.det.wa.edu.au using the Connect passwords issues by email. 

Thank you

Mrs Fitzpatrick

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Happy Holidays!

Hi everybody, 

Term 1 has come to an end, so I just wanted to wish everyone a fantastic holiday! I hope you all get a little visit from the Easter Bunny, but don’t eat too much chocolate! Enjoy these times spent with your families at home. 

It has been fantastic to hear you all working through your online work packages each week. I really appreciate you focusing on the continuity of your learning, even though you are working from home. A big pat on the back to you all…parents included! I’ve loved watching your progress through Studyladder. Remember you also have a Typing Club account to use now if you like. I have sent your parents emails with our class’ URL and your login details.

I miss seeing your wonderful smiling faces in our classroom each day and can’t wait for things to return back to normal for us all. 

Parents, thank you for doing your very best during these times. I’m so appreciative of you for putting your child’s health and learning needs first. It was great to have a chat over the phone to see how everything is going at home. 

Please stay informed through our class blog and school blog for any updates. 
Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday!

Mrs Domenica Fitzpatrick

Bounce-Back Bear and Lizzie have pinched all of my Easter chocolates!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week 10 Work Package

Hello parents and students,

The Work Package for Week 10 is now up and ready. This link can be found under the same tab as last week titled 'Work Packages' above. 

I have placed the link on the image below too if you are having trouble finding the Work Packages tab.

Answers for Week 9: If you are after answers to worksheets, the answers have also been linked onto the Work Package document. Simply open Week 10 Work Package and click the link that says 'Click here to access the answers for all Week 9 worksheets'. 

Thank you

Mrs Fitzpatrick

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Prime Books & Persuasive Writing

Dear Parents,
Thank you for collecting your child’s PR1ME Books today. Please don’t start any activities in those books just yet. We will include the page numbers and activities in our Weekly Work Packages.
As information from the school is currently being distributed via email, please ensure that you check your email ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ folder for any correspondence.

I have also added a 'Persuasive Writing' tab to our blog for students to refer to when doing any persuasive writing tasks at home.

Thank you,

Mrs Fitzpatrick