Monday, December 7, 2020

From the Teacher- Final Blog Post

 From the Teacher Week 9

Room 19 students have been very busy these past few weeks! Have a read below to see what we have been up to…


Measuring Mass

The students learnt all about measuring the weight of objects using different types of scales. Here we are looking at measuring counters to match certain amounts. After we did this, we had a chance to measure different classroom objects and record their mass.

Money, money, money!

Room 19 students learnt all about how to count small amounts of money together. We started with coins and then made our way to counting notes, too! We learnt that 100c is the same as $1 and made $1 in lots of different ways using cent coins. We have also started a challenge on how to calculate change!

Super Scientist Challenge

All of the Year Two classes have now taken part in the school’s Super Scientist Challenge. Congratulations to Liam for winning the class finalist for Room 19. Liam presented his topic on tsunamis and earthquakes in front of all the Year Two classes. Great job!

Merit Award Winners

Congratulations to Spencer, Hunter and Taquisha for receiving their Merit Certificates! Keep up your awesome work.



Thank you to those students who complete their homework each week and return it every Monday. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. Keep up your fantastic work! It’s a great idea to work on the concepts that we learn in class, as this helps up to retain more learning. Well done!


With holidays approaching, everyone in Room 19 had a chance to help decorate our class tree. We were all very excited! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas over the holidays.

Class Picnic

As you would know through the school note sent home, this year all classes will be holding a class picnic catered by Subway. This has been replaced from our usual class party where students bring in a plate of food from home, due to health and safety procedures following Covid19. We appreciate your understanding. I am sure the students will love their Subway orders just as much and will still enjoy our end of year party! Our class party/picnic will be held on Wednesday of Week 10. Please ensure Subway forms are completed on time.


End of Year!

What a year has it been! It has been a pleasure to teach all of the wonderful students in Room 19. Before you know it, they will be getting ready for senior school in big Year Three! We have had some ups and downs, with the interruption of Covid, however, I believe all students have done a fantastic job at keeping up with their learning and reaching their individual goals. Congratulations, everyone!

We all know our holidays are a long break, so doing some small things at home to retain your learning can really help you prepare for Year Three. Below is a list of things you can do, so you don’t forget all of your hard work and learning!

  • Write a diary/recount of activities you do during the holidays.
  • Write a letter to your parents trying to persuade them to let you do something you’ve been wanting to do!
  • Write a narrative with exciting characters and events.
  • Recite your times tables or learn a new one you’ve been wanting to master.
  • Access Studyladder to work on your Literacy and Maths skills learnt.
  • Hop on to your Typing Club account and work on your typing skills (this is a big one for Year Three!!)
  • Type up a story on Microsoft Word- change the font, choose a border etc
  • Create a PowerPoint on Microsoft PowerPoint with cool animations.
  • Use the internet or books to research information about your favourite animal or something that interests you.


Wishing everyone a fantastic holiday and a very happy New Year! Have lots of well-deserved fun and relaxation. Please take care over the holidays as we always want to see you back safe and well next year.

Happy holidays!


Mrs Domenica Fitzpatrick