Sunday, October 18, 2020

Welcome to Term 4!


Hi everyone!

Welcome to Term 4 and what a busy term we have ahead of us. This term Room 19 have begun their dancing classes on a Thursday. The children have learnt a new dance and are truly showing their fantastic dance skills and coordination! I’m looking forward to the students showcasing their dance abilities to parents during our Dance Parties much later in the term.

Coming up later in the term we will also begin swimming lessons. A note will of course be sent out with further information regarding permission and payment.

Being our final term of Year Two, we still have plenty of learning to take place! Homework is now on the blog for students to complete and return every Monday for whole-class marking. Home practice is an excellent way for students to retain what they have been learning in class throughout the week and is highly encouraged to complete. Incentives such as raffle tickets are used in our classroom to encourage students to complete and return their Homework on time. Just a reminder that parents are not required to print the Homework sheets, as the students can write their answers in their Homework book.

Please be sure to continue to check our blog throughout the term as there are many events taking place and information to come.

I’m looking forward to another fantastic term with our Terrific Twos!

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Domenica Fitzpatrick